Saturday, September 29, 2012

Paint Day 9

Here we started the first of the top coat paint for above the water line!

Bristol Beige is the color...

Paul's boat was out of the shop for sandblasting so I was able to take a great picture :)

Very shiny paint! 2 more coats should do it, will resume tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paint Day 8

Gallons # 11 and 12... more epoxy primer.

The skirt to protect the bottom side.

Back to a white coat... 

Finally ready for the first top coat!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Paint Day 7

Today marked the day Tattersail received a water line, returning after almost 15 years!

First we removed the stainless rudder, to be primed and painted.

Then, on went gallons # 9 and 10.

Water line unveiled!

Lazer sharp ;)

Here is a look at the original:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Worksite re-arrangement...

Today some sanding got done... 
but mostly making it possible to lay to rest Tattersails new friend! 

Paul's new project, a Georgia 23, made in Owen Sound, Ontario.

Tattersail moved back so the nose is now inside the building, was also made perfectly level so the water line can be taped up using the lazer level.

Paint Day 6

My daily painting record so far...
1/2 of gallon # 6 to finish up the inside!

Second coat on the top...

Second coat below! Gallons # 7 and 8.